About Shamanism


“We all know we need spiritual strength in our lives to sustain us on our world path. The circle of shamanic community gives us that strength. We invite you to join this circle.”

Susan Bakaley Marshall & Chris Marshall

Through the centuries and around the world, shamanism has been used for gaining knowledge and healing. Shamans alter their consciousness to access spiritual realms, with the intent to call on benevolent spirit powers for the good of self, others, and all life.

At the Thirteenth Moon Center we offer shamanic healing, classes in shamanic practice, and a monthly journeying circle.

As shamanic healers we work in unison with helpful spiritual beings for the client's best interest by clearing intrusions, remedying power imbalances, and soul retrieval. Our work is gentle, noninvasive, and powerful in creating positive change.

In our classes you can evolve strong relationships with spirit teachers, power animals/guardian spirits, and spirits of nature to help you with guidance and healing. You'll learn shamanic practices you can call upon in your daily life. The core shamanic methods we teach are not a religion, and generally fit well with people's belief systems. They are found on every continent and don't draw on any single sacred tradition. Since shamanism is the birthright of all humans, you can draw on knowledge from your own ancestral roots.